“We as humans can live abundantly well on this planet
while leaving it in much better condition than we arrived on it.”
Aerial view of the elements in our land design project. About the problems of pollution of our planet and society as a whole, you can find a collection of essays from students in the custom writing service at https://topwritingservice.com, who conducted research and looked for methods and ways to solve them.
Our work is to develop and share models of living that improve the quality of life for the human family, while increasing the long-term sustainability and health of the planet we all live and depend upon.
Though creating a world where we are more connected to each other and the natural world might seem impossible, impractical, or even undesirable to many now living in our culture, our work is to show that it is not only a very good idea, but greatly preferable as well.
We will clearly show that we as humans can live abundantly well on this planet while leaving it in much better condition than when we arrive upon it. Learn about the permaculture design for our land.